Friday, November 27, 2009

Still got it?

Ok, today was a bit of a nightmare. It's day 3 with L AND H at home and I have remembered why I was so desperate waiting for the start of kindergarten. I love my children, I really do. But COME ON!! We are all fighting colds, L has a definite man cold, but H is running close behind. I don't blame them. Now I have a cold too, I know how they feel, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. I have had L draw on the wall with red crayon today (it came off really easily thank goodness), things hurled around, physical fights (the children, not me), screaming, being shunted by the ride along, having my chest smacked in demand for milk, etc. etc., I am boring myself with this rant.

Anyways, I was waiting for a parcel from FBC (Foreign Buyers Club), and as it's been a week, and I requested a morning delivery, I assumed it wasn't coming anytime soon. But the doorbell rang at around 6p.m., right when I was cooking dinner, and trying to tame the monsters. And sure enough, it was the parcel. I opened the door, and the parcel man looked really stunned. He asked if this was the right address, I said yes, and he got all flustered, and wouldn't stop staring at me. He stuttered for me to sign for it, all the while staring at me O_o and then I took the parcel from him, him checking that it wasn't too heavy for me...yeah, ok, it was only a few boxes of cereal, I often walk around carrying a 10kg baby on one arm and a 14kg baby on the other, oh and sometimes a basket of laundry at the same time ;). Then he literally, stumbled backwards down the stone steps while STILL staring at me.

Now I am not an arrogant person, in fact I have quite a few self-esteem issues. But..I swear... these were the actions of a man who has just seen a pretty girl *blush*. I asked him if he was ok, and he smiled and muttered something, then almost tripped down them again on his way to the van. So even though I found this quite odd (did not look my best apart from nice clothes, but still full of cold, untamed brows and greasy locks), it kind of made my day. Sad? Maybe, but I don't care :P


  1. Hey!! I say you have got it!! You probably made that delivery guy so flustered ;) And you know there are far more boring/trivial things that have been the highlight of my day lately.

    Hope you guys all recover from your colds soon. I really do not know what to do when either Sakura or I get a cold. Knock on wood neither of us have had one since she was born...

  2. All home with colds is no fun!!! I hope you are ALL feeling better soon- glad it is not the flu though.

    The weekend delivery guys are always different but any that come on weekdays are the same (one for kuroneko and another for the actual post office)- and they know me now and accept my little LM as my "sign"- the ones on the weekends piss me off though and keep asking me all the time if I am "Maru.....-san," no matter how many times I say yes and they often make me sign my whole name. Stupid delivery people. Sure I am glad they bring my stuff but it just annoys me...

    Hope tomorrow is a better day- I assume it will be since hubs will be home right?

  3. Sara - Thanks, ha ha, we have to take our little pleasures from somewhere, eh? Let's hope the colds stay away for you too this winter too!

  4. Lulu - ha ha, yeah, I get that too. It's like they can't believe my last name is Aoyama and I'm involved in some kind of third-rate espionage...

  5. And hubby being home doesn't usually equal easier unfortunately...
