Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cramps, pom poms and bottle dancing

Yesterday my monthly friend decided to pay a visit. Grr...after having a couple of months between the last ones, didn't think I'd be seeing her for another month. But it explains the exhaustion and eating like a hog.

Wake up at 3.a.m. to a screaming L. Go downstairs to the loo, I must take my time, because when I get back, Y is moved over to my side of the bed and is trying to calm down screaming child. Instead of saying, "ok, thanks, I'll take over." I decide to crawl into his side of the bed and see if I can snatch another few minutes of much-needed sleep. This new night waking (not that there hasn't ALWAYS been night waking, just different) is accompanied by new levels of screaming. It is a step higher, and seems to sound much more like a pterodactyl than before. It is the sound that you imagine torturers could get confessions with.

After 5 minutes of inconsolable screeching, I give in as I realise that I am not going to get any sleep with this racket going on anyway. About 10 minutes later, L is his cot...for now.

Alarm goes off at 6:30, oh, and by alarm, I mean L with more screeching. I wonder if I should be worrying that he has some kind of sickness. His teeth have just come through, so don't think it should be that, but give him some Bonjela just in case. Crawl out of bed, reluctantly bringing my stomach cramps, and two children downstairs with me. Step on scales, have lost half a kilo. Yay! It's a small victory, but I will take it!

I grab a quick shower while I can, and then set to work making my husband's bento. No home made stuff today. Just a selection of wonderful frozen bento goods from China. Most of them even in their own packets so I don't even have to get the chopsticks out. Five minutes later, H starts tantruming that she can't fasten her blouse buttons. I tell her it is because she can't shift her gaze from The Wiggles. She tells me that is not the reason (all while not taking her eyes off The Wiggles) and starts crying for no reason. The t.v. goes off until she can fasten two buttons. Y leaves for work, 20 minutes late. Don't get fired, don't get fired.

Breakfast is lovely. Rice Crispies and minimal conversation. Heavenly :) We actually manage to arrive at nursery on time today and don't face the shame of the "late gate", but instead get to walk to the lovely big gate where the older children wait for H so they can hold her hand across the playground.

Get home and go through an hour of L grizzling because he is tired but can't go to sleep. I resist BFing and remember that I shouldn't anyway, because have taken a paracetamol for my cramps and have given him some baby paracetamol for his gums. He ends up writhing and screeching and then suddenly falling asleep on my chest, where he gets to stay for the next 20 minutes. Then it's back to the nursery for the Sport's Day practice where I have to dance with pom-poms while H does some very complicated moves while shaking her rice-filled bottles in the hall with all the other Mums and children. Oh, while L is having the time of his life dancing and shaking his hands in the air with the kids. I lose sight of him about 5 times. Can't really give H my full attention. She does well, but doesn't really look as if she is enjoying herself much. Not sure that I want to subject her to the real thing in a couple of weeks. Kindergarten wants to teach how to be competitive. Not sure that competing is all that necessary at her age anyway.

Go home to lunch and more of the grizzles. My son doesn't want to sleep unless I give up the goods.

Later - it is now 8p.m., Y came home at around 7, just as we were all out of the bath and ready for bed. He took H for her storytime in her bedroom, meaning I could lie and feed Luka while reading my book and having some firegazing time. Nice. Now more time for me :) Am thinking about getting my hot water bottle out to try and ease some of these cramps. The estate agents from the house we saw in Annaka have sent some land information, so Y is looking through it now. Might have a peek too, even though the living room is still absolute tip :(

Have to go to take L for his second DPT shot tomorrow - he is seriously behind on his jabs, so no doubt the doc will give me a piece of his mind. Good though, because he is very serious about vaccinations, so he can sort it all out. All these rules about the duration of time that must elapse between certain jabs, etc. Plus we couldn't get any last month because it is too hot in August so they usually don't do them..interesting. Let's hope he doesn't take it too badly!

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